Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Half-Year Resolution and Catching Up

It's my New Half-Year Resolution -- I commit to more frequent Mayor's Messages posts.    For now, I'd like to catch up with readers on several items.

After participating in the Colorado Municipal League meeting in late June and celebrating the Fourth of July, council will be meeting this coming week. We will start Thursday, July 12 at 5:30 p.m. with a celebratory open house and ribbon cutting at Golden's new Public Works/Planning Offices, 1445 Tenth Street.  The frame, floor, and foundation of the old blue shops building were salvaged and incorporated into new, high-functioning, and long-needed office space for staff and for an emergency operations center. Stop by to see the building's green features.

Agenda items at council's business meeting, beginning at 7:00 p.m., include a presentation by an independent auditor, CliftonLarsonAllen, on the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which outlines key components of Golden's overall financial position as of the end of 2011. The report sets the stage for Golden's 2013-14 budget process. (On another positive financial note, sales tax revenues for May, collected in June, were up almost $95,000 over last year -- a 12% increase.)

Council will also receive an update on the i-Golden Neighborhood Matching Grants program;  consider approval of the new City of Golden Flag, the winner in the flag contest; and discuss a request by Woody's for placement of seasonal seating in an existing parking space in front of the restaurant. This last issue arises because the popularity of Woody's leads to some sidewalk congestion, and restaurant management proposes this solution. The request will provoke some lively discussion in that it raises policy issues about the most productive use of valuable public property--our sidewalks and parking spaces.

At the conclusion of the regular business meeting, council will adjourn into executive session to confer with lawyers on legal questions relating to the Jefferson Parkway.  We (along with environmental groups and the Town of Superior) continue to pursue Golden's legal challenge to the land transfer that would make the Jefferson Parkway possible. Moreover, August will mark the beginning of renewed community briefings, informational items, and discussions on how Golden should respond to regional changes in transportation needs, positions, and policies. For a preview of regional developments, see media articles about a plan for the elevated portion of I-70managed lanes on US 36,  managed lanes on I-25 north, and funding for widening C-470 from I-25 to Kipling.

On a final note, like everyone else I've watched with alarm at the overuse and misuse of the Clear Creek corridor. The extremely hot weather, coupled with a low water level, has led to unprecedented numbers of people on creekside trails, in the creek, and in local parking spaces. Most are simply enjoying the outdoor setting, but some have engaged in unacceptable behavior -- detracting from the natural experience so valued by our residents. Our city manager, Mike Bestor, has responded by increasing enforcement efforts on alcohol use and dogs-off-leash and also banning smoking and glass containers. The situation has eased somewhat with recent rain and cooler temperatures, but we all recognize the need for long-term solutions to ensure an family atmosphere, support the immediate neighborhood, and protect the City's investment. The community's ideas on the subject would be much appreciated. And, as usual, there are a variety of ways you can convey them. The Parks and Recreation Board will be discussing the topic at their next meeting, July 17.  You can share your ideas at the Board meeting, during public comment at council meetings, and through email or personal talks with Board members, councilors, and staff. And a new interactive community forum is now live at  Its initial focus is on the South Neighborhoods Plan, but it will soon be used to cover a broader array of Golden issues. Check it out and join in the conversation.

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